Monthly Archives: January 2011

The road to paint – days 3ish and 4

This gallery contains 5 photos.

Before day 3, Saturday, there was a couple of nights of work.  Mark straightened out the hood and rear valence (quite a bit of work was needed as that valence was rough and then some!), some sanding and then they … Continue reading

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The road to paint – day 2

This gallery contains 4 photos.

The plan was to get the 47 in primer by the end of the day.  When I arrived at Marks, he had already started and to my eye I thought we’d be in primer by lunch time.  But Mark has … Continue reading

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My 47 Sedan Delivery – the road to paint before w.o.w

This gallery contains 3 photos.

There seems to be a mad Misfit dash for World of Wheels.   In the next 2 weeks we should see my 47 Sedan Delivery in paint and Rudy’s 34 coupe with a fresh engine.  I dont have pics of Rudys … Continue reading

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Marks 1946 Ford – Done – Bring on the next project!

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Mark has finished the 1946 Ford.  Hood is on, interior is completed and the new paint has had the spit and polish.  Subtle custom touches to the body (I would spoil it by just telling you what has been done!).  … Continue reading

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Corys 32 Update – 2011/01

This gallery contains 3 photos.

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