Monthly Archives: November 2010

Misfits Thanksgiving Meeting

The Misfits Thanksgiving will be at Jerry’s place on Wednesday. (no point showing up at the normal Wednesday night meeting!) Contact Gary or Rudy for details and directions.

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Hi from Grumpy!

Grumpy says tell everyone HI!!!! Korean Cad is still moving. Gator bait is still bait.

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Macs Last Night – Grumpy’s Keys are Where?

Well it must be coming into winter as there isnt much going on. Here’s the lineup at Macs last night. Yes, a crappy cell phone picture and it was taken before Gary debuted the Fairlane. ps. Grumpy’s keys are safely … Continue reading

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Hooters Show – Mark debuts 46 == Best in Show!

This gallery contains 19 photos.

Yeppa, after 4 years of rebuilding the 46, Mark took it to its first event and was awarded Best in Show. Nothing warms the cockles of my heart like a hoodless fat fendered car (even if it is just temporary) … Continue reading

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