Monthly Archives: May 2011

Pete & Jakes 2011

Mark & Rudy went to Pete & Jakes open house last Saturday.  I know cause they are all over the HAMB! Click here to view the HAMB posting.

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Johns 36 Ford Roadster – A New Look

This gallery contains 2 photos.

I didnt think it could look any better, but…

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Dewey OK 2011 – The Straykat 500 – warning a lot of photos!

This gallery contains 120 photos.

Well the Dewey event was hyped up a lot before I went.  Everyone said it was a great show, but sometimes the weather can get a bit rough.  I normally find that things in life that are hyped up are … Continue reading

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Letter from Emmitt – Snooky Janich 1941 Ford

Dear Sirs I enjoy reading about different cars and builders of the past.  Recently an article in your magazine and a few others had some incorrect information.  I am referring to the Snooky Janich 1941 Ford.  I know articles are … Continue reading

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2011 Knock the Dust Off

This gallery contains 13 photos.

For most, it couldnt get any more local than the alley behind Bilski’s.  A great day, but any day that has Margaritas in the middle of it is going to be a great day!  Small turnout of cars. Plenty of … Continue reading

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